Five Tips on How to Treat Your Summer Lawn During High Heat

Cool season grasses, like bluegrass and fescue grasses may soon go dormant as a result of recent high heat. Here are five tips on how to treat your lawn during high heat and summertime stress.
  1. Minimize wear and traffic. Mowing stressed turf can cause damage to turf. Mow when the turf needs it -- not as a scheduled routine practice.
  2. Mow higher than normal. Taller grass plants provide protection to the crown and shade the soil surface, reducing moisture loss.
  3. Keep your mower blade sharp. A dull blade rips and pulls the grass blades, leaving ragged tears that both weaken the plant and promote fungal growth and other grass diseases. Blades should be sharpened at least twice a year.
  4. Keep grass clippings on the lawn, rather than bagging them.
  5. Water your lawn deeply – rather than frequently – to promote healthier roots. This helps lawns be more drought-resistant.