The Grass Rhizome
Growing lawn and gardens in the mid-west.
Fungus Fighter 5/22/2020
Comment: I’ve noticed over past few days especially after last mow yesterday yellow blades mixed in after finished mowing. I do the idi...
Fantastic Five for Fall Foliage
This fall, when planning your landscape designs think of these five Idiot Proof Plants for excellent multi-season color in the garden o...
Watering Heat Stressed Lawns
Lawn Alert July 2018 Lot’s of folks have been asking if they should continue to water their brown lawns. This is what Uncle recommend...
5 Things You Should be doing for Summer Lawn Survival
Times can get a little hectic in the summer. Lots of things on your mind with summer vacations, holidays and kids out of school. Don't ...
Kansas City is in Horticultural Drought
Agricultural droughts that impact the 3.4 billion-dollar Kansas wheat harvest will gain national media coverage globally, but when w...
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